Indirect Digital Bonding
Held in 20 minutes.
Submission of Plaster Models or Files digitized in STL.
Option 2:
We are a family owned and operated business.
The professional can also choose to send the digitized files in STL instead of plaster models.
The scanning of the upper and lower arch must be performed separately and in occlusion.
We are a family owned and operated business.
Files digitized in STL must be attached to the registration form.

Purchase of orthodontic appliance
The professional will be able to buy the orthodontic appliance (from the line of systems used by Ortho4D), through the company TAG Ortodontia through the telephone: 11 97675-8424, which will send the material directly to the company Ortho4D Indirect Digital Brackets.
If the professional already has the orthodontic appliance (from the line of systems used by Ortho4D), it must be sent together with the plaster models to the company Ortho4D Indirect Digital Brackets, located at Avenida Ana Costa 79A cj 72 - Vila Mathias, CEP 11060 -001, Santos - São Paulo.
Note: The purchase order of the orthodontic appliance cannot be made by Ortho4D Indirect Digital Brackets, only by the professional.
Receiving Digital Bonding Guides
After the professional has completed all the previous steps of filling out the registration form, sending the plaster models or files digitized in STL and sending the orthodontic appliance. The Ortho4D company will carry out the guides within a maximum period of 5 working days, which will be sent to the address indicated by the professional in the registration form.
Note: The shipping cost will be paid by the professional.